Heal Eczema Naturally

Another downside of my battle with leukemia, is that after extensive rounds of chemo and radiation, I was left with a severe case of eczema that has lasted for years. My doctors originally prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide, but because it is a powerful steroid, I cannot use it every time I have a flare-up. So instead, I use ‘My Everything Cream,’ which contains Nilotica Shea Butter, a natural remedy for mild to moderate cases of eczema.

Pure, unrefined Shea Nilotica, like the kind we use in ‘My Everything Cream,’ is a powerfully moisturizing Vitamin A cream that has been scientifically proven to fight inflammation and even potentially help avoid skin mutations, like tumors.

Here's the corrected paragraph:

"My own results using Shea Nilotica, Royal Jelly, and Shea Olein can be seen below. On the top is what my skin looked like before I started using 'My Everything Cream,' and on the bottom is how my skin looked after about two months of continued use. It's not perfect by any means, but it's a helluva lot better than how I began. Some of the scars from this condition may never disappear, but at least I can expose a bit of skin during the summer months without feeling self-conscious, and for me, that is definitely a WIN."

Before & After




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