How I Conquered Keratosis Pilaris
While ‘My Everything Cream,’ made with Royal Jelly, Shea Olein, and pure Nilotica Shea Butter, can be used at any time, and as often as needed, I have found the optimal time to apply the cream, especially to your body, is right after a bath or shower. Applied to damp (not dripping wet ) skin, ‘My Everything Cream’ will easily seal in moisture and dry to a silky finish. This method alone has dramatically changed the way my skin feels on my arms, where I have been testing it for the last few months.
Like many of you, I have bumpy skin on the area just above my elbows. I started using a Salux bath towel and ‘My Everything Cream’ to combat the issue late last year and have seen great results. While not a complete cure-all for this condition, which I think is called Keratosis Pilaris, it has smoothed the skin dramatically, and honestly, the skin all over my arms feels amazingly soft and smooth. Light marks and blemishes are slowly disappearing, and I could not be more pleased.
The cornerstone of ‘My Everything Cream’ is Shea Nilotica and it is nothing short of a cure all for minor skin conditions. If you haven’t added this amazing Vitamin A cream to your daily skin routine, I suggest you start here and do so.
I also suggest a Salux if you don’t already have one. They are easily found at various Asian markets or right here on this website.
Bumpy skin and hyper-pigmentation, specifically on my ankles, has been an issue for me since I was in my early teens, but thanks to Salux, ‘My Everything Cream,’ and occasionally black soap, I have finally been able to put a dent in the problem. Hopefully, this combination will work for you as well.

Please note, the information provided on this site is not intended to constitute medical advice. We strongly suggest you consult your own personal physician for questions regarding your health.