A Tale of Two Shea Butters

I recently got an email from a longtime customer who wondered why her My Everything Cream looked different than the last time she purchased it. I often like to answer such emails and share them in an effort to educate all of our customers.
To begin, all Shea Butter is temperature sensitive, especially Nilotica Shea Butter, which is naturally soft and has a melting point of only 75-degrees.
When Nilotica Shea Butter melts, as it will during the warmer months, once exposed to cooler temperatures or refrigerated, it will often stick together and become gritty. The process to make the butter smooth again (melting it) is arduous, time-consuming and rarely yields the same results twice.
Years of experience has taught us to simply whip our Nilotica Shea Butter to get it smooth again. The whipping process, which requires no oil because Shea Nilotica is already smooth, causes the My Everything Cream to become whiter in color, and more cloud-like and fluffy in texture and appearance.
Can you spot the whipped My Everything Cream in the above photo? If you said the jar on the left, you would be correct. The jar on the right is the natural appearance of our cream when it is created using Shea Nilotica that has been kept at an optimal temperature.
Unfortunately, because this amazing butter comes all the way to us from the beautiful continent of Africa, we cannot control how it eventually arrives at our door. All we can do is try and work with what we have.
Natural is a word we are big on here at Sheair Butters. We add no artificial stabilizers or binders to our cream, which would only serve to diminish its efficacy. We mix our Shea Nilotica with Royal Jelly and Shea Olein and there you have My Everything Cream. It's not always pretty, it's not always perfect, but it does work. Regardless or how your cream looks, it contains only these three perfect ingredients, and it does what we say it will do.